الأحد، 30 يناير 2022

How to Create a Copy of a Google Form



  1. Image titled Create a Copy of a Google Form Step 1
    Navigate to https://docs.google.com/forms/ in a web browser.[1] You can use any web browser to do this. If you’re signed out, you’ll be prompted to sign. Make sure you sign in if you haven’t already.
  2. Image titled Create a Copy of a Google Form Step 2
    Open the Google Form you’d like to duplicate.[2] If you’ve created or opened the form you’d like to copy rather recently, you’ll likely find it under the “Recent forms” section.
    • If you don’t find your form there, use the search bar on top of the page to find your form.
    • If you’re not ready with the form yet, create it now.
  3. Image titled Create a Copy of a Google Form Step 3
    Click More  on the top right corner of the page.[3] You’ll see a More option on the very top right-hand side corner, just beside the Send option.
    • A pop-up menu will appear after clicking on it.
  4. Image titled Create a Copy of a Google Form Step 4
    Click Make a copy.[4] This is the very first option in the pop-up menu. Clicking on it should open a “Copy document” pop-up box.
  5. Image titled Create a Copy of a Google Form Step 5
    Give your duplicate form a suitable title.[5] In the “Copy document” pop-up box, you can name your copy as you wish. By default, it is titled “Copy of ___(name of the Google Form you’re copying)___”, but you can change it as desired.
  6. Image titled Create a Copy of a Google Form Step 6
    Choose a location to save your duplicate.[6] You need to save your duplicate to Google Drive, but you can choose which file to save it in. You can select the “My Drive”, “Computers”, “Shared with me”, or “Starred” option. After choosing your desired option, click Select.
    • By default, it’s set to “My Drive”. If you would select this location anyways, you can skip this step.
  7. Image titled Create a Copy of a Google Form Step 7
    Select the Share it with the same people option if you want.[7] If the form you’re duplicating has “collaborators”, selecting this option will add the collaborators of the original form to the copy. Note that this step is optional.
  8. Image titled Create a Copy of a Google Form Step 8
    Click OK.[8] Once you’ve titled your copy and selected the saving location click OK to save your duplicate form.
  9. Image titled Create a Copy of a Google Form Step 9
    Done. You can now edit the copy as you require. You can also create multiple copies of the same form if you want, and you can also create a copy of a copied form.

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How to Create a Copy of a Google Form
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